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Welcome to the Swamp Circle's blog! On this blog we will be holding classes to teach different aspects of Pagan beliefs and holidays as well as other Wiccan aspects. On occasion we will also be including other Pagan sects. A note to the teachers of the blog, please be respectful of the others using the blog. Unless given permission, do not edit or delete a fellow teachers blog under any circumstances! If you would like to add something to the topic they are writing please talk to them first OR make your own post and share your different views on the subject. Thank you!

Monday, May 6, 2013

WitchCrafts-Smudge Stick

Hey everyone!

So for the first of my WitchCrafts I'm going to show you guys how to make a smudge stick. I am personally making a cedar smudge stick, but you can use any herb or plant you want. A popular one and, in my opinion, essential smudge stick to have is a sage smudge stick. Sage is used to cleanse and I use it to cleanse all of my new tools and items I buy that I plan on using in my craft as well as cleansing my house to get rid of any negativity that might be hanging around!

Cedar is used for protection to just name one use of it. I some times burn it after Sage-ing to protect my tools/items and my home.

First and foremost, if you gather the herb or plant yourself please ask the plant or tree for permission to take from it. THIS IS A MUST!!!!!! Touch the plant/tree, ask it aloud or in your head, "May I use your twigs/leaves." If you feel any negative feeling-guilt, sadness, anger etc, stop immediately and do not take from the plant. If you get a  good feeling-happiness, joy etc go ahead, BUT only take what you need. Do not be greedy. If you work with the same plant/tree for a while you wont have to stop and ask and wait for a feeling. For me and my cedar trees, I get the feeling just by standing next to the tree.
Finally give thanks to the tree, not only verbal, but physically. If it hasn't rained in a while, water the plant/tree. If you can distribute fertilizer or plant food for the tree. Take care of what the Goddess has given you.

So enough shop talk, lets get into the tutorial.

All you need is:

Gather your cedar in your hand in a nice grouping. Take your twine, wrap it around the bottom a few times to give yourself an area to hold on to. Wrap the twine up the smudge stick, then back down. Finally tie the string so your stick is secured!

That's it! Easy peasy!

Here is a video I made that shows exactly how to make it!

Let me know what other WitchCrafts you guys would like to see!

Blessed be. )O(

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