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Welcome to the Swamp Circle's blog! On this blog we will be holding classes to teach different aspects of Pagan beliefs and holidays as well as other Wiccan aspects. On occasion we will also be including other Pagan sects. A note to the teachers of the blog, please be respectful of the others using the blog. Unless given permission, do not edit or delete a fellow teachers blog under any circumstances! If you would like to add something to the topic they are writing please talk to them first OR make your own post and share your different views on the subject. Thank you!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Many witches choose to share their lives with familiars — spiritually attuned creatures to whom the witch turns for insights into nature's lessons, and for help in working magick. Black cats, of course, are commonly associated with witches, but dogs, birds, rabbits, and, yes, even toads can fulfill the role of familiar. In the Harry Potter stories, Harry purchases an owl as his familiar while his poorer friend must be satisfied with a rat. In actuality, the witch doesn't necessarily choose his familiar, so much as the animal and the witch seem to discover and bond with each other.
No matter what kind of creature it might be, the familiar is no mere pet. Rather, the animal is a respected partner and companion, who reveals truths and offers the characteristics inherent to its nature to the witch for magickal purposes. Birds, for instance, often carry messages between humans or between the earth and the spirit world.

According to global lore, nearly any creature can become a familiar. In Lapp, Finnish, and Norwegian stories, for example, flies are familiars. Amphibians — specifically, sea snakes — similarly show up in New He brides stories. And among the Zulu, familiars can be made from reactivated animal corpses.
If a witch seeks a familiar, he usually puts out a call through a spell or ritual. This ritual typically takes place outdoors, near the home. The witch begins by creating sacred space, then he meditates, prays, and places the request in the hands of nature. During the meditation the witch visualizes his own living space, so the right creature can easily find its way to the door.
Cats, for instance, are notorious for showing up unexpectedly. But sometimes you might have to seek out your familiar. One witch tells how her feline familiar called to her psychically — she actually heard the words “Come to the animal shelter.” The command was so clear and insistent that she immediately drove to the local shelter where the cat was waiting for her. Trust your intuition. You'll know your familiar instantly when you encounter him or her.
Because animals tend to be more sensitive than humans in many ways, your familiar can provide signals and guidance, especially regarding other people. Observe your pet's reactions to visitors and friends — Fluffy or Fido could give you information you might not have picked up on your own. Animals are demonstrably good at predicting earth and weather changes, too, and they often sense impending danger long before a human could. They can also see things people can't, including nonphysical beings such as faeries and ghosts.

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