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Friday, May 17, 2013

How to make a poultice for wounds

Hey guys!!

so as many of you may know, I stabbed my hand last night whilst making a wand. -_- Next time, I should listen to my inner voice aka my spirit guide, because the whole time I was thinking, "I should put some gloves on."
What can I say, I'm stubborn. And let this be a lesson to all of you, being stubborn=pain.

Anyways, my wound went all the way to/through muscle so I cannot move my thumb very much without being in EXTREME pain.

No worries though, I already got my tetanus shot a few weeks ago (funny how life works huh?) so I'm not at risk for any tetanus, and I'm keeping a close eye out for blood poisoning.

Now lets move on to the tutorial.

Let me start by saying, it is so important you make sure there are no pesticides on  the plants. You are running a HUGE risk of poisoning if pesticides have been sprayed. Its also a good idea to wash the plants before using them.

Also, although it is of the earth, there still is a chance for you to be allergic to the plant. If you know of any plant or pollen allergies, please just use some anti bacterial soap and whatever a doctor gives you.

Continuing, in no way shape or form am I guaranteeing that this will work for you. I've used daisies in the past for a wound and it worked wonderfully. This is my first time using ribwort, so hopefully it will be equally as awesome.

Here is what you need:
A mortar and pestle- I suggest ceramic.
wild daisies-I say wild because the kind you buy in a store are most likely guaranteed to have pesticides.

So take your daisies and ribwort and cut them up. Put the cuttings into the mortar.
drip some water into the mixture-use a little, you can add more later.
use the pestle to grind all the goodness up.
when its to a "paste"like consistency youre done.

Put the mixture on your wound, cover with a bandage. ta-da done.

Leave the mixture on for a little while and afterwards you should see an improvement in the color of the wound (should be less redness). If not, thats ok!! Just keep changing the mixture!

Here are some handy dandy facts about daisies and ribwort.
 Ribwort Plantain  makes an effective treatment for wound bleeding. It contains epidermal growth factor, stimulating the repair of damaged tissue. Leaves extract has antibacterial properties. (plus many many other wonderful things!)

Its external use, as a poultice or addition to bath, can help in cases of wound healing, rashes, wounds and skin inflammations.  
(again, it does so much more than just this!)

here's a video I made if you want to watch and follow along!

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